Michael-Liberte O. Lattiboudeaire: Our Pastor’s Biography

Pastor’s Biography

Michael-Liberte O. Lattiboudeaire studied Arts & Science, Mechanical Engineering, Securities Trading and Business Administration at the University Of Toronto and other institutes. During his study he had a ‘genuine spiritual awakening with the Lord Jesus Christ’. He has developed a sincere personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This experience transformed him into a passionate minister of God’s grace with a genuine love for people.

For twenty-three (23) years, he has served under the leadership of Apostle Carlisle John Peterson. He is a faithful member of Nation within a Nation Church Int’l Inc. He is the founder and President of The Great House Ministries Int’l Inc. and currently operates The Great House Publishing, Inc. He has traveled extensively as a Missionary, Itinerate and Conference Speaker throughout the world. This father of four currently lives and resides in Miramar, Florida.

I was born a prophet of the Lord. By the age eight (8) this was very vivid and recognizable amongst my entire family, relatives and friends. At eight (8) years old, I had given my life to Christ and was actively assisting my grandfather who was a pastor of four (4) Baptist congregations. At eighteen (18) years old, a year before I had entered University, once again I rededicated my life to Christ while actively seeking the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Throughout those days, I actively function in elements of the prophetic life without academic training. By 1984, I began to actively live and function for Christ, having been baptized in the Holy Spirit in the summer of that same year. My life has been fully immersed in the life of a prophet, being brought up by the Lord and the watchful eyes of those who oversaw my life.

Gift & Training

As an active prophet, I am called a dreamer of dreams and a seer of visions. This nature of God is a mark of the last day revival of God as it is written in Joel and Acts concerning the outpouring of the Spirit of God. I am like many of those who are called by God to the office of the Apostles and Prophets who have come into dreams, visions and revelations of the Lord. Of which we cannot boast ourselves but rather as we have elected to the glory of God, we boast ourselves in our infirmities, so that Christ maybe reveal through us. For His strength is made perfect in us.

As a specialist in the area, I have spent many years training and leading many people into the arena of learning to hearing from the Lord as he has speaks through these abundant means. As a specialist in this area of the prophetic administration, a new reform has emerging within the body of Christ and the service demanded for this entire arena has been severely increased. The demand has placed my qualifications on high demand both in the areas of private and public administrations.

Training and Experience

I have spent twenty (20) years of my life in the Church world as a primary elder and Associate Pastor of Love & Faith World Outreach Ministries, Inc. After my tenure at Love & Faith World Outreach Ministries, Int’l Inc., I had spent five (5) years developing missionary programs and international churches. In the year 1986, I was then make one of the primary Prophet, Associate Pastor and ruling elder at Nation Within Church Int’l, Inc., with an elder-at-large status with a continuous itinerate schedule throughout North America and the Caribbean I have spent a major of my time as a specialist teaching and training many people in the areas of intercession, intercessory prayers, the prophetic ministry and many other areas.

I was also schooled in “The School of the Apostles” and “Morris Cerullo School of Evangelism”. I was later appointed as an instructor and adjunct professor at the School of Apostles specializing on Ethics, Protocols and Practicum. It is my desire to continue my study for my doctorate in theology and general medicine. I currently have plans to obtain a Master’s in Business Administration and Accounting and Finance with a special in Corporate Finance at Grand Canyon University, in Phoenix, Arizona.

After thirty-two (32) in the School of Christ, under the tutelage of transitional authority of my grandfather (parents) to the stewardship of my Pastor and thirty-four (34) years of academic training in the areas of Engineering, Administration, Accounting & Finance and twelve (12) years of intense missionary activities on three (3) continents and many Islands of the seas. I have acquire both the international experience and forte that it takes to write this and multitudes of other works.

In 1991, urged on by the Spirit of God, the Royal House of the Kingdom of Swaziland, at the support of UCCM (Upper Canada Confederation of Ministers and Ministries) and COG (The Conference of Generals), I was asked to co-author my first work with Carlisle Sonstar Peterson and Gary Mwentin-Hibbert. It is here that I obtained my expertise in the field of print media. In 1996, I again worked closely with Minerva Allen to print and produce her work “The Effectual Fervent Prayer” and then in 2000, I worked closely with Karrie Bryant and foreword her work, “From Hard to Heart”.

Since then I have intensely concentrated on my writings having written such manuscript as The Prophetic Life: Powerful Truths for Powerful Leadership, The Prophetic Life Workbook, Jubilante: The Joys of Intercession, The MarketPlace Anointing and The Power of Prophetic Vision, Successful Women Vol. 1 & Vol. 2 etc.

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