
We fundamentally believe in the authority and power of the tithe that is giving of the 10th part of all increase in a commandment of obedience to God and His Laws, it being solely dedicated as Holy unto the Lord.

The Tenth part (the Tithe) being Holy dedicated unto the Lord has the following properties:

  • It asserts the sovereignty of God
  • It ascribe worship unto the Lord
  • It tries the heart of the receiver
  • It authenticates the authority of the Priesthood
  • It is the intrinsically God’s tax system within the church, and should not be administrated by civil authorities except in the case of breach created by ecclesiastical authorities. Ex: Nehemiah’s administration as Governor of Israel and Lutheran Reformation, as a process to help rebuild the wall.
  • It is a typical subject that has the exhaustive and revelatory properties
  • It is God’s ways and means of funding His projects
  • It is God’s provisional will for those in authority within the church
  • It is His and our census guide and information gathering system (statistics) as Government of God
  • It asserts that those that earn personal income by their God given strength should support God’s efforts without withholding and by obeying His Government.
  • It supports income gathering by this means to be uses solely as “meat in my house”.
  • It is directly consecrated for the use of the Priesthood
  • It has inert powers to bind the hands of illegitimate authority
  • It limits the boundaries of authorities
  • It legitimizes church government as individual taxation legitimizes Civil government and personal income legitimizes Family Government
  • It invokes blessing for obedience and curses of rebellion
  • It has tenth power components and operates as an exponential function
  • It is found in every religious system within the world and is sanctified in church as a sacrament that points directly to the gift that God gave to use, that is, Christ
  • It is as ancient as iniquity
  • It is legitimizes and consecrated by our forefathers: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
  • It is authenticated by Jesus Christ
  • Its speaks directly of Christ, The root of the First Fruit, Himself
  • It asserts financial discipline within the home
  • It is covenantal from Generation to Generation, and should be practiced as such celebratory acts worship, as it is lifted to a higher order in the new covenant
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